Monday, June 1, 2015

Bad Bully

Chapter 2 

      "Mom, Mia is being mean to me again what should I do?" We all ask the same thing, "what should we do?" The first thing is to be kind and don't say hurtful things back. As the bible says "Don't repay evil for evil." STOP and think, maybe the reason this kid is bullying you is that he/she is having a hard time in their life, and maybe he/she is doing it to make themselves feel better. We should love them and show them how much Jesus loves them too. He loved us so much that he gave his life that we may live with him in heaven. We should share this same love toward those who mistreat us. Jesus loved the Romans that beat him, spit in his face, plucked out his beard, and placed a crown of thorns on his head. Wow that is love!!!!!  And that is the kind of love that we should have. We should love with everlasting love. LOVE like JESUS......

     I know it's hard not to take it personally and to be nice when someone is being mean. Find someone to talk to like your mom, dad, or teacher. The reason you should do this, is so it does not bottle up inside of you, and become a burden that you carry for the rest of your life.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Am I Special?


                                                          Am I Special?

The answer is yes, but most importantly in Gods eyes. So important that he formed you in your mom. All of us want to be cool or fit in, well it is not about being cool or fitting in, it is about being who you are. I struggle with these same things too. I want to be cool like the other girls, like what they like, and hate what they hate. But my mom told me, "Don't try to be like the people around you be who you are...special." She told me that because I talked to her, told her my problems, and she help me to outwit them. You should talk to your parents they are there to help you not hurt you. Because you are special in the God of the universe, the creator of the worlds eyes. YOU ARE SPECIAL.